Workshop: We protect the environment: Certifications to ensure sustainability, 9th October, 2018, Athens, Greece

| Wednesday, 24 October 2018 |

Workshop: We protect the environment: Certifications to ensure sustainability, 9th October, 2018, Athens, Greece

On October 9th, 2018, the workshop “We protect the environment: Certifications to ensure sustainability “ was organized in Athens, Greece, by TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS.

A number of keynote speakers participated in the workshop, in order to present the internationally recognized sustainability standards related to the certification of product biodegradability and of forest products.

Dr. Eleni Heracleous, as an invited speaker, presented a “CASE STUDY: The project _2020 BioCatPolymers | Production of Bioplastics from residual biomass” at the Environmentally Conscious Forum, in terms of the workshop. Link on facebook:

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The BioCatPolymers project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU, under Grant Agreement No 760802.